Older grant application for Pittsburgh




Open water swimming, Swim.CLOH.org

  • [pdf-embedder url=”https://swim.cloh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/final_PDP_Swim.CLOH_.org_.pdf” title=”final_PDP_Swim.CLOH.org”]

River lagoons, 4RS.org

  • [pdf-embedder url=”https://swim.cloh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Final_PDP_4RS.org_.pdf” title=”Final_PDP_4RS.org”]

Floating pools feasibility, Rauterkus.com

  • [pdf-embedder url=”https://swim.cloh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Final_PDP_Rauterkus.pdf”]

Grant proposal posted in 2016.

Three proposals were made to the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnerships for its BetaBurgh RFP (request for proposals). The grants are for up to $10,000 each. See the text of those links by surfing around these links:


Open Water Swimming, Swim.CLOH.org, 15-pages

River Lagoons, 4Rs.org

Floating Pools feasibility, Rauterkus.com

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